RBI’s New Directive on DPDPA for Banks

RBI's New Directive on DPDPA for Banks

Regulatory bodies are important for determining the path of banking in an evolving financial environment. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a crucial order. It’s part of a regulatory sandbox update. Banks are required to adhere to the outlined requirements. These requirements are specified in the Data Protection and Privacy Act (DPDPA). This … Read more

Best Data Privacy Management Software in India

Best Data Privacy Management Software in India

In today’s fast growing business world, protecting sensitive data is crucial. Handling a growing volume of information and meeting with strict rules poses challenges for companies in data management. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best data privacy management software in India. Privacy management is vital for data security laws, especially as they … Read more

Difference between DPDPA and GDPR

Difference between DPDPA and GDPR

In today’s world, particularly in the digital realm, change happens swiftly. A key area of concern is data, which has gained immense value. Securing personal information is crucial. However, are our current measures satisfactory for ensuring data security? Leaders worldwide are addressing this Vital issue making vital decisions to protect our data. India, too, acknowledges … Read more

Children’s Data Protection under DPDPA

Children's Data Protection under DPDPA

India has made a major step towards protecting individual privacy rights with the Presidential assent of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, which has already passed both chambers of Parliament. The Puttaswamy Judgements of the Supreme Court provide the backbone of this historic piece of law, which sets out to establish the limits of … Read more



Forthcoming Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023 incorporates several significant amendments aimed at enhancing data protection and privacy in the digital environment. As data experts, compliance experts, and cybersecurity professionals, it is crucial to be aware of these changes, as they will have a significant impact on data protection practices and compliance requirements. This article examines all … Read more

Obligations of Data Fiduciary under DPDPB, 2022

Obligations of Data Fiduciary under Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022

Who is Data Fiduciary? A data fiduciary is any entity or individual that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. Under the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill India, data fiduciaries are responsible for complying with the provisions of the law in respect of any processing undertaken by them or on their behalf by … Read more

Consent Manager Framework in DPDPB, India

Consent Manager Framework in Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDPB), India

The Joint Parliamentary Committee submitted its report on the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, recommending the inclusion of “consent managers” in the upcoming Data Protection Act. The bill defines consent managers as a “Data Fiduciary which enables a Data Principal to give, withdraw, review and manage his consent through an accessible, transparent and interoperable platform.” … Read more

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDPB): Chapter 2 – Deemed Consent

Points: Deemed consent can be useful in situations where obtaining explicit consent is impractical or impossible, such as when a data principal voluntarily provides personal data to a data fiduciary. This provision ensures that data fiduciaries can process personal data in certain circumstances without having to obtain explicit consent, which can save time and resources. … Read more

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDPB): Chapter 2 – Consent

7. Consent(1) Consent of the Data Principal means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data Principal’s wishes by which the Data Principal, by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of her personal data for the specified purpose. For the purpose of this sub-section, “specified purpose” means the purpose … Read more